Home Owners Guide to Roof Tile Maintenance

Many of the home owners do not think about their roof tiles until there is a problem. Unfortunately, when some problem or any damage occurs with the roof tiles, they will get bothered about the maintenance. Most often, a once small issue may have grown into something much more substantial. Thus it is important to be proactive about your roof maintenance. You have to do inspection of your roof on regular basis and must spot potential problems. With this you will be able to act on any trouble areas before they become major problems. Tapco is giving best roof tiles and roof tile installation services in Kerala.

Common Roof Tile Problems

Before we do the inspection, we must be aware about the common roof tile problems that are found in your areas. Even through different geographic locations face different kinds of threats, each kind of threat must be fixed early. Proper roof tile inspection and doing maintenance works are essential for a highly durable roof tile.

  • Presence of missing, loose or broken roof tiles –The underlying roof structure will be vulnerable when a clay or concrete roof tile becomes loose, damaged, or falls off. It will become vulnerable to weather damage and leaks. Repairing of cracked roof tiles is usually a simple job for a professional roofer. Moreover, they can also determine if there are any sorts of underlying faults. They can determine whether there is any roof tile maintenance issue that will cause damage. The Tapco tiles are the professional roofers in Kerala to provide best quality products and services.
  • Presence moss, algae and lichen growth – These organisms mostly grow on roofs that do not receive much sunlight on it. This mainly includes north facing roofs, roofs under trees, etc. These kinds of growths will typically begin in the spaces beneath and between the roof tiles. This will cause different problems like retaining moisture and lifting of tiles, exposing the roof to weather ingress. For washing this pressure washing is not recommended as the high pressures may damage the tiles. This will reduce the overall durability of tiles. Roof tiles from the Tapco are anti-fungal and these are not prone to get these kinds of growths.
  • Faulty installation – The roofs are actually a complicated system with many different elements contributing to form water-resistant cover for your home. While installing the roof tiles, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. Tapco is giving best roof tile installation services with professional roof installing team. Moreover, Tapco is providing the best ceramic roof tiles in India.

Ceramic Tiles – A Healthy Choice for a Healthy Planet

There is a growing concern for health in the society. Actually we are scrutinizing the standards of the past and settling the bar higher in case of building materials. It is also the same with our practices we use in our homes. Nowadays, most of the customers are forward thinking, and they are realizing that health encompasses more than just a clean appearance. We must consider a product to be healthy only when it is safe for us and also to our environment. The Tapco is the best ceramic tile manufacturer in India providing high quality ceramic tiles.

Ceramic Tiles for Healthy Home

Having harmful elements in the tiles will be harmful to us. The Tapco is manufacturing ceramic tiles that do not contain any harmful elements. You might find some kinds of harmful elements in some other kinds of tiles. When we discuss about the healthy part, the ceramic tiles does not contain PVC. PVC is a resin that is present in many kinds of floorings. The phthalates and organotins are a matter of concern among health experts. Another important harmful thing is the formaldehyde. This will worsen medical conditions such as asthma and other respiratory disorders. Another thing that we must consider is of the VOC’s, which are harmful gases and cause various health concerns. Moreover, ceramic tiles will not emit any kind of toxic fumes when they get exposed to fire.

When the ceramic floor tiles are properly installed and maintained, they are inhospitable to both allergens and bacteria growth. By considering all these harmful effects, Tapco is bringing best quality ceramic tiles. They will not cause any harm to the human body as well as to the environment. These are especially made with high quality with best quality raw materials. With high standard ceramic tile manufacturing, Tapco is the best floor tile dealer in India.

Ceramic Tiles for a Healthy Planet

This must be a matter of concern for all of us, because there is increased need for conservation of our planet. From several sources, our planet is getting polluted and is exhausted. To prevent this, we have to do things from our sides too. Choosing eco-friendly things for our daily needs and construction need can have a good impact on this.

Ceramic tiles are one of the most environment friendly surface materials available in the market. This tile from Tapco is durable enough to endure for generations, making it a cost effective roofing solution. The ceramic tiles of Tapco which includes floor tiles, wall tiles and roof tiles are made from naturally occurring materials. There is no harmful material added to this. With excellence in properties and eco-friendly nature, Tapco roof tiles are the best roof tiles in India.

Impacts of Roof Shingle Installation on Value of our Home

The look of your home will have a significant curb appeal. The roof shingle installation will make a mark on overall home value. Installing your roof tiles with an amateur will not prove to be useful as it may not be durable for long run. Most often these kinds of installations will lack perfection and it will ruin the look of your houses. The Tapco is having professionals who have skills, tools and have quality commercial grade supplies that will make your roofing excellent. With excellent products and services, Tapco is a leading name for roof shingle installation in Kerala.

Here we are discussing about how the team of Tapco is providing best roof installation services:

Best Quality Roof Shingles

As we know, best quality roof shingles are the major thing that accounts for a best shingle roof. Best roof shingles and other roofing materials are available from the house of Tapco. The Tapco is the dealer of leading Aquaizol roof shingles, which is manufactured in Europe. These roof shingles are made of eco-friendly raw materials that are of good quality. Moreover, they are manufactured under latest technologies and due to this all tiles are uniform in look. All these roofing shingles are quality ensured before they are delivered to the clients. This will help you to have a high standard roof that meets international quality standards. Aquaizol roof shingles are the best roof shingles in India with excellent look and quality.

Aquaizol roof shingles are able to withstand different threats that are faced by the roofs. The usual problems that will cause damages to the roofs are the harsh climates. Roofs may get badly affected by heavy rain and storms, high temperature due to the sun’s heat, snowfall and more. There are also roof damages that occur due to improper maintenance of the roofs from accumulation of leaves, branches, etc. on it.

Roof Shingle Installation for Maximum Protection and Durability

The installation process is another major factor that will make your shingle roof best. It will not be perfect, if the roof installer does not understand shingle layout and the roof installation processes. Here small mistakes may lead to bigger consequences. If shingles are not securely attached to the roofs, it will shift during the time of storms. The damaged shingles will allow the water to enter inside the roof and thereby your home through the penetration. The Tapco tiles are the best roofer in Kerala to provide best roofing services.

Tapco – The Roofer You can Trust

Hiring a roofer or roofing contractor is very much important when it comes to roofing. This is because, it is essential to get a professional team to get the job done right. You will find it difficult to get perfect roofing without a trusted roofer. Making mistakes while constructing your properties will cost you a fortune. The Tapco tiles had shown the excellence in roofing since a generation. The quality and durability of roofing materials had made the Tapco more trustworthy. We help you protect your roof and thereby your properties. Tapco is the best roof tile brand in India with good quality and high standard tiles.

Why You Can Trust Tapco?

Since around a century, Tapco is in the tiling business. There were number of roofing products and other tile products from the house of Tapco. All the products are excellent in quality and had proved their durable over the years. The quality and durability of the Tapco tiles are well known to the population.

Tapco is manufacturing different sorts of tiles like roof tiles, floor tiles, wall tiles and jaalis. All these varieties of tiles are manufactured by Tapco with high quality under advanced technologies. The quality creation and perfect designs of the Tapco roof tiles makes them as the best roof tiles in Goa.

Eco-friendly Roof Tiles

All kinds of roofing materials from the house of Tapco are eco-friendly. Thus choosing Tapco tiles for your houses can be a good thing you do to nature and for yourself. Having these kinds of tiles will make you feel good as you will be living close to nature in your modern home. The ceramic roof tiles of Tapco are made of pure white clay and the terracotta roof tiles are made of pure terracotta clay. No other non-biodegradable things are added to it.

Best Roof Tile Installation Services

As we know, having best quality roof tiles alone will not give you a perfect roof. For having a roof with perfect finishing, we must have a perfect roof tile installation. The Tapco has skilled and experienced team for roof tile installation. They are capable of keeping different kinds of roof tiles for different kinds of roofs. We ensure you that, your house will look stunning with our roof tiles and roof tile installation. With excellent roof tiles and roofing solutions, Tapco is the popular and best ceramic roof tile manufacturer in Goa.

Give a Natural Touch to Your Houses

With much advancement in life and with the increased dependence on technologies we have changed a lot. This changing trend is reflected in each and everything. Likewise in case of construction and buildings also, people had gone forward. There are a number of advanced construction materials available in the market. TheTapco is the leading tile manufacturer in Kerala to create different kinds of floor tiles, wall tiles and roof tiles. With having experience in nearly a century, Tapco roofing is one of the best tile manufacturers in India.

Tiles made out of Natural Raw Materials

All the tiles that are manufactured and sold by Tapco are eco-friendly. All these tiles are manufactured from natural raw materials. This is one of the attractive points with Tapco, which had attracted a number of people towards different kinds of Tapco tiles. The ceramic roof tiles from the Tapco are manufactured from pure white clay. Moreover, anything that cause harm to the environment is not added into it while manufacturing. This will also help us to get the benefits with the natural clay in our houses. Thus Tapco is the best ceramic roof tile manufacturers in India.

Similarly, in case of terracotta tiles and jaalis, pure terracotta clay is used for their manufacturing. The terracotta clay which is obtained from the environment is then cleared to get a best raw material for manufacturing terracotta tiles. The Tapco is manufacturing different kinds of tiles like roof tiles, floor tiles, wall tiles and jaalis from terracotta. Since no harmful things are added to it while manufacturing, you will not lose the benefits with the terracotta clay.

Benefits of Having Natural Clay Tiles in your Houses

Most commonly for manufacturing tiles ceramic and terracotta clay is used. The Tapco is using pure clay without any unwanted or harmful mixes. Here best varieties of tiles are created with different smudges of colors and patterns on it. This makes the Tapco tiles more popular as the best roof tile brand in India. Having such natural materials on around us will have many benefits. Some of them are:

  • Keeps your home cool as compared to the synthetic materials.
  • You can feel that you are living close to nature, even though you are leading a modern life in your new home.
  • These tiles will not cause any harmful effect to our mother nature and thus you can feel proud of it.
  • All the kinds of tiles from Tapco tiles brand are least affected with the external influences.

Tapco Tiles – Maintains Beauty of your Roofs for Years

Roofs are the uppermost parts our houses and hence they are the major things that accounts to the beauty of our houses. Due to this reason, there are a number of house owners and contractors who are choosing roof tiles for their houses. As the types of constructions vary, the need for roof tiles will also vary. The Tapco is the best roof tile brand in India to deal with many different types of roof tiles. In short, you will definitely find the one kind of roof tile that will suit your need.

Best Quality Roof Tiles and Materials

The Tapco tiles are providing only best quality roof tiles that will be highly durable on your roofs. Their quality which is obtained from the best quality raw materials and through their advanced manufacturing is making them highly durable. Other the roof tiles, all other roofing materials as well as the roof installation services are also available from the house of Tapco.

The excellent quality of the roof tiles will make them less prone to damages. Thus there will be very rarely any kind of broken or damaged pieces on your roof which affects the look of the roofs and also the exterior of house. The excellence with the quality is making the Tapco tiles popular as the leading roof tile dealer in Mumbai

Stunning Colors and Patterns of Roof Tiles

The roof tiles from Tapco are available in a number colors, sizes, and patterns and also from different materials. Tapco roof tiles are popular with the availability of attractive shades and there are even double shades available. These roof tiles will be definitely making your roofs awesome.

Least Affected by Climatic Conditions

Most parts of India are facing one or other kind of climatic problem. It may be high heat summers or heavy rainfall and storm or snow fall. Whatever may be the harshness of climate, the roofs are the most affected parts on our houses. When the roofs are affected they will get damaged easily and the beauty of the roof will be lost early. Thus there will be need for early roof repair or change also. Choosing roof tiles for your houses from the house of Tapco will prevent you from these kinds of problems.

Anti-fungal Roof Tiles

All the roof tiles from Tapco are anti-fungal and thus will not let the fungus or mosses to attach on roofs. Accumulation of fungus and algae will not happen with the Tapco tiles. This is protected by the extra protective anti-fungal layer on the roof tiles. The Tapco roof tiles are the best quality roof tiles in Chennai.

Sustainable Roofing for a Better World

The roof tiles that will help us in reducing energy usage can be a sustainable kind of roofing solutions. Especially in India, there are number areas that face extreme heat during summer. This climatic condition will demand more use of electricity and thus will increase the electricity bills. Recently, there were also scarcity for coal in India and this also badly affected the production of energy. This switching to sustainable roof tiles like cool roof tiles will help in preventing these kinds of problems. The ceramic roof tiles from the Tapco tiles are the best cool roof tiles in India

Shifting to more sustainable solutions will benefit us. This will bring a positive impact on our families, businesses, communities and the whole world. With the pandemic, most us where stuck in our home. We worked, studied, exercised and shopped from home. Due to this there came an increased demand for home improvement. In the post-Covid season many are with house renovations. Similarly, many of them became aware of choosing the right kind of roof tiles also.

Roof Tiles to Cool your Home

In warmer areas, people will be in a state to use more electricity for cooling themselves. If we are having a roof tile on our roof that will absorb the heat and let it come inside, then we will experience a high temperature inside. This will definitely increase the electricity bills and sometimes we will find it difficult to afford in hot summer weathers. Fixing cool roof tiles on your houses will be a solution to this problem.

The ceramic roof tiles from the house of Tapco are proven cool roof tiles. The Tapco roof tiles are the best ceramic roof tiles in Mumbai. These roof tiles will resist the heat from entering inside the roofs and thereby to the interior of our house. The external layers of these roof tiles are heat resistant. This will be definitely helpful in reducing your electricity bill and will keep you cool.

Cold Resistant Roof Tiles

There are also areas that face very low temperature especially in the winter season. For these kinds of climates and for places that are prone to have this climate must be considered with cold resistant roof tiles. Other that the heat, the Tapco roof tiles will not allow much cold to enter inside the home in case the exterior is very cold. This will also help in reducing the use of energy for heating purposes. The Tapco is the leading ceramic roof tile manufacturer in Kerala.

Most Trusted Roof Tiles in India

Roof tiles are the supreme part of our roof and it is the main component that brings beauty to your constructions. The Tapco is the leading roof tile dealer in India to provide different kinds of roof tiles suitable for different constructions. Availability of wide collections of tiles is the major advantage here. Tapco has gained satisfaction and trust from the people across India through excellent products and services. Different kinds of tiles from the house of Tapco are available in the Indian markets since around a century. There are many features about Tapco roof tiles which make it to be the best roof tile brand in India.

Roof Tiles of Different Raw Materials

There are roof tiles made of different raw materials available from Tapco. We are the leading manufacturers of ceramic roof tiles in India with large scale production of roof tiles. Only good quality ceramic white clay is used. Moreover they are perfectly manufactured under advanced technologies. The beauty and other qualities of the ceramic clay are not lost during these kinds of manufacturing. Ultimately you will get best ceramic roof tiles from Tapco.

Similarly, the terracotta roof tiles are also made of good quality clay. This makes them great with all the natural features of the terracotta. The beauty and color of the terracotta clay was known since the ancient times. Due to this they were used for different handicrafts and other purposes. The Tapco is making the best use of the terracotta clay and is creating beautiful and high quality terracotta roof tiles. These are the best terracotta roof tiles in India.

The roofing shingles are another major roofing product used in India. The Tapco is the dealer of Aquaizol roof shingles in India. The Aquaizol is a good quality European manufactured roofing shingles. They are comparatively more durable than the usual roofing shingles available in India.

Highly Durable Roof Tiles

As these roof tiles are manufactured out of best quality raw materials and modern technologies, they are of high quality. All the products from Tapco are quality ensured. The extra protective layer on the roof tiles of Tapco makes them more durable by standing strong against harsh climatic conditions. They are heat resistant, water resistant, and fire resistant and are also anti-fungal. Manufacturing under advanced technologies with quality raw materials makes them stronger. The Tapco roof tiles are the best quality roof tiles in India.

Wide Range of Colors and Patterns

We can see different sorts of constructions nowadays. It may be completely modern or traditional; sometime it may be a fusion of different designs. All these kinds of architectural designs will demand different kinds of roof tiles. The Tapco has wide range of patterns and colors of roof tiles to meet different needs. 

Stronger Roof Tiles for all Climates

The biggest challenge that we face with our roofs are the harsh climates. Roofs are the upper most part of our house to face all sorts of climatic conditions. Hence there are increased chances to get damages easily. It is of very much importance to choose the best kind of roof tiles for your roofs. It must be strong enough to face different climatic challenges that may occur. The roof tiles will easily get damaged especially in areas where the extreme climates occur very frequently. The Tapco tiles have varieties of roof tiles that are of good strength to guard your home.

Roof Tiles that are Strong Enough

The Tapco is a leading roof tile dealer in Mumbai to manufacture different sorts of roof tiles. All the varieties of roof tiles from Tapco are strong enough to guard your houses. They obtain their strength from the best quality raw materials. Similarly, advanced technologies are used in their manufacturing. Moreover, different quality checks are carried out before they are delivered to the clients. Thus these roof tiles meet international quality standards and will definitely contribute in improving the value of your property.

Strong and Long Standing Roof Tiles for Adorable Houses

The adorability of a house is greatly depended on its exterior look. The roof tiles, as we know is a major thing contributing to this. The Tapco is dealing with roof tiles of different raw materials like ceramic roof tiles, terracotta roof tiles and roofing shingles. All the varieties of these tiles have an extra protective layer on it. This is the basic thing which is the reason behind the durability of the roof tiles. Thus the Tapco roof tiles are the best quality roof tiles in Kerala.

The extra protective layer on the roof tiles will make them resistant to different external influences. The roof tiles from Tapco are water resistant and are a best suitable option for areas with heavy rainfall and thunderstorm. They are strong enough to withstand the heavy rainfalls. Moreover, the best quality in them will make them more durable for long irrespective of the climates.

They are heat-resistant and do not let much heat to enter inside. The ceramic roof tiles from the Tapco are the cool roof tiles that will give a cooling effect into your interiors. This property makes them a best suitable option for high temperature areas. All the varieties of roof tiles from Tapco are anti-fungal roof tiles. The anti-fungal property makes your roof to look good and stay strong for long. The Tapco is the leading roof tile manufacturer in Kerala to manufacture best quality roof tiles.

One Roof Tile – Matching Different Weather Conditions

The upper most part of our house will be roof tiles. Since it is the upper most part, it is prone to get damages due to various external impressions. The beauty of the roofs greatly influences the external and overall beauty of your house or construction. Thus, with no doubt we can say, the roof tile we choose is an important part our home. You will definitely find the best roofing solutions for your houses from the Tapco tiles. The Tapco is the leading roof tile manufacturer and dealer in Kerala giving high quality roof tiles.

Dealing with different and harsh climatic conditions is the major thing that we expect with the roof tiles. All the roof tiles from Tapco are well developed to withstand all sorts of climatic conditions. There are high quality ceramic roof tiles, terracotta roof tiles and roofing shingles with the Tapco.

Cool Roof Tiles

The cool roof tiles are especially chosen for the areas that faces excess heat during the summers. Here the ordinary roof tiles will cause an increase in the heat entering inside your home. When you keep those kinds of roof tiles which do not have heat-resistant properties, you will experience higher temperature inside your house. This will also become a reason for increased electricity bills. The Tapco has a wide collection of beautiful cool roof tiles made of different natural clays. Thus the Tapco is giving the best varieties of cool roof tiles in India.

Water Resistant Roof Tiles

Most of the roof tiles will be water resistant, but they may not be able to withstand this property when there is harshness. There are many places in India where there will be heavy rainfall in the monsoon. In these kinds of areas, the roof tiles faces damage and even premature damages are caused with this. The storms, ices and other climatic conditions are also a threat to the roofs.

Changing or doing maintenance works for the roof tiles often will be a difficult job. It may also result in loss of perfection or beauty of the roof. Frequent maintenance of the roofs is not a pocket friendly option. Thus in order to prevent all these problems, choosing roof tiles with quality and standard is a must. Moreover, the skilled team of Tapco will be a truly good option when it comes to the roof tile installation. Thus Tapco is the best roofer in Kerala to provide excellent roofing solutions.